Breaking Barriers

*Channeled Message: “While a warrior knows how to wield his weapon, he doesn’t wish to use it on his enemy for he knows his heart is the way to peace. This one thing breaks barriers, opens communication, and solves problems. It is not necessarily the asking of what one wants but the offering of what one has. Sharing and communication is communion. A peaceful warrior unites, for this is his gift. Not only his gift, but his motive. When people pull together the impossible comes to life. The biggest dream begins with one small act – the stroke of a pen, a word from the mouth, a handshake, a hug. Start today. The wait is over. Every day is the start of something new. Begin where you are. See what is possible. Dreams are always in the making. Good seeds produce a healthy harvest if the crop is tended. Joy in the experience is important. Approach with wonder for the work can be pleasurable if one focuses on the path rather than the destination. What one puts in something is felt in the result. Heart and soul equal wisdom. Do what you enjoy, no stress. Allow vulnerability in your work, for the authenticity is an invitation to commune. This act builds community. Building is creative work which doesn’t only require energy and sweat; it requires heart and soul.”

In the Service of Higher Love

*Channeled Message “One need not separate from his or her tribe to be independant. One need only be his/her authentic self. For love respects our differences as well as our similaritities. Pour your essence into every relationship. You need not be who others want or expect you to be. Be who you are in the service of love. Be YOU. This IS your job, to claim that which speaks within you and express it through your body, through words, actions, movement, art-however it wishes to speak through you; from Spirit to matter. Fear not who you are as this is your Spirit grounding/merging with Earth. This is your purpose. It need not be your vocation, yet its individual style will work its way into your every day. For this is what is called the way. The ‘way’ is not a group activity. It is a personal quest, your way to Source. It is your Sacred connection. This is WHO you are! Your indiviuality, your authenticity…this is Your truth, Your power. For it is in the service of Higher Love we find our true selves. It is the very Sacredness of you that rises from deep within, grasping for the light. For it IS the Light, rising forth to merge and shine brightly!”

The Unfolding

Channeled “The ways of the world are not the ways of the soul, for the heart directs the soul. When one drops his burdens his wings unfold. This begins his flight of purpose.”

This was a very short message I received but right on target. When one carries too much he cannot fly. I’ve found this to be true many times in various areas of my life. I had to learn to let go of what did not belong to me. It was only then I began to hear my soul speak, and my feet were place upon the path of my heart. How about you, have you ever had a few words have a profound effect on your life?

The Wisdom of Lineage

Channeled “One can think of a lineage as one side bing the backbone and the other as the heart; one may also view these as male and female energies. Each has much to contribute. These energies are merged to create beauty and sustenance. When not aligned trauma occurs and must be healed. Sometimes this takes many generations to restore to its original intent. When one studies the patterns of the past, his own or his family line, he finds much to learn. These lessons provide direction for the future. A lineage is a book of knowledge, of great wisdom, of explanation and possibility, lost dreams and unexpected fulfillment. There are many measures of a lifetime and calculated through family history creates a lineage. There is no judgment of this, simply a basseline of time creating a map of sorts. One always has a choice in crating his own lifeline. He may see patterns and follow them or he may decide to forge his own path, whether or not this is in regard to improving his or others imprint. Opinion does not alter the truth of the past, present, or future; for it is simply what it is. One can learn from it and appreciate it for the value it bestows upon his life and enable him to see what perhaps had been missed.

Trusting the Heart Path

Channeled Message. All messages are channeled unless otherwise noted. “The time is now. To Trust. To live fully in your own presence. To accept your heart guidance without questions. No doubts. Seek the knowing within. You are here to experience and create many things. Each is a mini journey in itself which feeds into the journey of life. Each is a path along the larger road. Back roads are full of beauty. It is where life is lived. It gives one experience, expression; zest or inspiration one might say. Connect and listen. Each path connects to another, and all lead back to the main road. A main road is a quicker route, but less scenery and sensory. It lacks composition experience provides. These backroads comprise the journey. For its is your true path; the way of feeling, of living a fulfilling life, one of love and rich in meaning. No two seeds produce the exact same flower, nor do the fruit bear the same exactness. You may think all apple blossoms look the same or an apple is an apple. But every single one is unique in its own existence, just as you are. Do not underestimate the value, the importance of your life, in the ways you perceive production or progress. Every moment, every thought, is precious. You need not put too much thought into this. Simply allow your heart to move mountains, open passageways. The valleys will appear. Climbing will become easy. Trust your footing. Each step is like a backroad leading you to the main. You’ll find the fullness of living in these backroads and will enjoy the view of the mountain tops over and again. You’ll also enjoy the rest and view of the valleys. All has much to offer. All play important and necessary roles. Let go of thought/opinion of where you are for it takes away the joy. Live through the map of your heart, and you will find harmony exists.”

The Way of the Heart

“When a door closes, there is always another one to open. Be willing to step inside and see the possibilities before you. There will be doors within doors and the choice will be yours to open, close, or embark upon what is offered. There are no rights or wrongs, only opportunities of exploration, experience, expansion. Your heart will know your way. Let go of fear, of doubt. Bask in the wonder the Universe offers. There seems to be a darkness with endings but yet it is simply a germination of new beginnings. The cycle continue whether or not one is aware or understands. As the seeds flower be patient for the bearing of fruit, for it occurs in many ways and not necessarily in the way one expects. Divine Purpose runs deep, and as it rises to the surface it may be more complex or even quite simplistic than one’s sensations led him to believe. You only need to believe, to know with your entire being, every cell of your physical body, that your Spirit knows, guides, and delivers you to your destiny. Whatever path it leads you is the right one, whether or not it is what you imagined. Even though one connects with the Sacred as he brings Spirit into his physicality it is still somewhat conditioned by the perception of its physical nature. Though Spirit is not confined it still works within the limitations of its vessel. Remain open to what you receive as much beauty and love are currently within you and await you, for you to receive and share. See the beauty of love in that which has passed, what is now, and what will come to be. To feel and share the love in every moment; this is existence, this love, This is beauty. This is truth. This is where true power can be felt-what you take from your heart and find your special way to place it in the world around you. Know others are hurting though they may express it differently. Allow them that space. But know their pain, their expression, is not yours to bear. Speak your truth. Stand your ground. But do so with love in your heart. That does not mean to allow yourself to be trampled upon. The freedom to walk away is yours, but do it in love for yourself not in contempt of another. Allow them their truth as you have yours, even if they do not honor yours. Remain in your heart, true to yourself. The dust will settle, but do not settle for anything less than your own truth which is your love, your way. When you honor the Divine as it shines through you, you honor all others-this is living your truth, your Divine existence.”

The Humanity of Family

”All things come full circle. Pain that was caused/endured is healed in another incarnation. This is the way, the wisdom of experience. In physicality a person learns lessons in a lifetime, but these are also ancestral lessons as well – the essence may inflict, cause, or be affected by that of which his soul returns to heal, to close a cycle of a particular familiar trauma or hardship in order to advance/expand the experience/wisdom of a soul family. The many positions of a family unit gives perspective of that trauma/hardship. While it can be particularly difficult on a human level it is enlightening on a spiritual level of learning and on the advancement/expansion of humanity. The pain felt physically is not that on a spiritual level for it is merely a school of learning. Values of compassion, empathy, nonjudgment, connection, and stewardship, among others are learned. It is important to remember physicality is fleeting while spirituality is that in which one returns for it is only a portion of which is embodied. The human implications are not the same as the spiritual realm. The human mind is quite inquisitive, but the emotional body gives the experience a distinct viewpoint from another with like experience. It takes much reflection and inner work for a person to override emotion and view and experience from many angles to understand the motives of both motion and emotion. Humanity within society is complex. While there can be tremendous difficulty, there is also opportunity of great beauty in connection, shared moments of love, experience, and validation. One often learns the joy is found in the most simplistic of ways, those of which does not involve materialism, the acquisition of things, but in just being and sharing the experience of living.” 

Treasure Chest of Truth

“The deeper one digs the more lost one might feel yet the closer he gets to finding what has been lost. Much is buried beneath many layers-truth and treasure. Your truth is your treasure. It is the route to both freedom and abundance. Self exploration leads to connections; to the past, to others, but more importantly to Spirit and self. Your truth within manifests into abundance around you. A time of fallow precedes a time of fruit. Each period is of importance. It is good to remember what one does for self he does for others. That reverberation reaches and extends and continues. The echo from the mountain is heard across the valley and so on. Lift your voice to sing and your foot to dance. It will always reach another of the same beat/resonance. Together healing occurs. No one does it all or alone. The saying ‘takes a village to raise a child’ goes the same for saving humanity/the world. Every being plays a part that fits into others until all hands are joined. Each is a link in the chain/circle. We are here to connect, to commune, to recognize the tribe who helps us find our way, what makes us feel complete. This can be strictly in relationship or can be work, creative endeavors, joy, or adventure inspired, whatever makes one ‘tick’. It is in the ‘coming alive’ where one finds self-connection to Spirit-a sense of purpose. To live with purpose is to live with intention. That essence is known to small children but is often lost through outside influence. When one regains this essence and lives from this center this authenticity, this truth, leads him with his purpose, his desire of experience. This places his mark on the world, whatever it is and in whatever form it takes-for that is his purpose-to find it and use it. For it will lead him home. And that is the beauty of the quest. 

Healing Family Lines

 “Relationships. Live in loving relationship with one another. Love. Listen. Accept. Be compassionate to another’s way, to his needs, to his circumstances. Seek what truly matters. This is not found in material things. It is all a matter of the heart. Be open to receive and glad to give. All play a particular part in a family. The dynamics are put in place for the growth of all, individually and as a unit. Not simply the family unit, but the extended family at large and the collective lineage. Trauma occurs in many ways – non acceptance, lack of love, betrayal, lack of many things such as courage and confidence or support. Physical ailments manifest from inner struggles. All these things can pass along family lines. Whatever affects you most likely has roots in family lineage. Ther is a beautiful, rich heritage as well. Heal what ails self and it heals the family on some level, but it takes all to do the work. Seek the beauty in one another through connection. Remember where things worked and start there in healing what doesn’t work. Strive for edification and equanimity. Find the balance and create a better life starting with self and extending to family. Do what you can to serve a greater good rather than focusing solely on what suits oneself. Know the value of what you seek should be everlasting and not a transient frivolity. Go deep into your heart and follow the path. When on truly loves the person they are, one can truly love the person in front of him. Love is a chain, and it needs every link to connect. And such is family. Love heals.” 

A Climber’s View

“When one stands at the base of a mountain , he sees the arduous climb ahead. When one stands at the top of the mountain, he enjoys the view below and takes pride in the work he has put forth to get there. When one is in the midst of the climb, he fluctuates between what he accomplished and what he has yet to do. One’s viewpoint in life is like that of a mountain climber; it depends upon where he is in life – the work he feels he has succeeded and the goals for which he is still reaching. He often places unnecessary pressure on himself as much of what he thinks is important isn’t in the big picture. If he were to focus on his heart he’d find the importance to be the little things he’s cast aside…human connection, communing with nature, allowing Spirit to work through him in all matters. When one remains open to Spirit, these little things come to the forefront. One begins to understand those things he placed judgment on in others or self weren’t that important. What is important is how one dealt with that judgment. Did one cause harm to another over it? Did one try to view it from a different perspective to understand? Did one shame another? Did one he accept another as he was? Did one place guilt or blame? Did one learn anything from the experience? Life is multifaceted. Even if not understood, it is to be accepted. Empathy and compassion go a long way in easing the difficulties of relationships. Being in the heart more than the head is the first step.